Developing an application isn't something you can just wing. To succeed in this coveted domain, being well-prepared is essential. Unfortunately, a vast majority of large-scale digital projects fail due to inadequate preparation.
Discover here the 5 essential steps to launching your project.
1. Establish Realistic and Measurable Goals
This is the first essential step before diving concretely into the development of your application. What may seem like common sense is often overlooked or rushed.
Question yourself about the purpose of your application:
- What will it be used for?
- Who will it be aimed at?
- What results do you want it to achieve?
You must have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish and what problem your product will solve.
Ensure that your goals are measurable and that you'll be able to measure your progress and results quantitatively. For example, if you want to improve team efficiency, you could measure the time saved per project thanks to your application.
These measurable goals will help you assess the success of your initiative once it's launched.
2. Conduct Thorough Market Research
Your application may be the best in the world, you're convinced of it. But what do your future users think?
Understanding their needs and validating that your product will meet their expectations is equally indispensable, because despite all your good intentions, you don't want to invest time and money in a software product that ultimately won't be used!
Analyze your target audience, identify their needs and preferences, and study the competition to determine your added value. What sets you apart from other players in the market? Gather data, conduct surveys... The more you know about your market, the better you can design an application that meets its needs—and the more likely you are to succeed!
3. Develop a Solid Strategy
At this stage of the planning phase of your project, it's time to develop a comprehensive strategy.
You'll determine:
- The application's features.
- The development timeline.
- The allocated budget (development, design, marketing, etc.).
- The detailed action plan.
This plan will guide the entire development process. It's crucial that it's robust, well-researched, and documented. Take the necessary time to do it: your future success depends on it!
4. Choose Your Allies
A crucial question arises at this stage: to embark on the development of your application, will you rely on your in-house digital experts or a specialized agency?
There's no right or wrong answer, as it all depends on your goals, strategy, as well as your financial and time constraints. You know the saying: time is money, and this has never been more true than in the current times.
So, think carefully: if you have the necessary resources and expertise internally, building your own team can be an interesting option, as on the one hand, it gives you total control over the development process, and on the other hand, it represents a long-term investment, as you're injecting new skills into your teams.
But while the idea may seem enticing, don't forget that setting up and managing a digital team comes with its challenges, especially if software development isn't at the core of your activities. Opting for the support of a specialized agency like Thirdbridge has the significant advantage of allowing you to collaborate with committed and motivated developers and other digital experts.
5. Establish Performance Metrics (KPIs)
KPIs allow you to track and evaluate the progress of your project, and measure its success once launched.
Identify these indicators based on your goals: for example, if you want to increase user satisfaction with your application, performance metrics could be user retention and satisfaction rates, and consequently, the impact on your sales.
Monitor these indicators closely as they'll help you adjust your application to achieve your ambitions.
Launching a successful application development project requires careful planning and strategic execution. By following these 5 key steps, you can maximize your chances of creating a product that meets the needs of your target audience, thus achieving your goals. However, don't forget to remain flexible and adjust your strategy as the project progresses to ensure sustainable success.