• DigitalDigital
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  • DigitalDigital


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At Thirdbridge, we see an opportunity for innovation in each of our projects. We create unique, sustainable and user-centered digital experiences. We are passionate about software development, UX design, and innovation.

At Thirdbridge, we are dedicated to providing digital solutions that have a significant impact on our clients' performance and ROI through digital products that offer a premium user experience.

years of experience

digital products



Digital solutions adapted to your reality

Mobile applications

Mobile applications

Get closer to your customers and enrich your users' daily lives.

Web applications

Web applications

Shine a spotlight on your brand online, connect with your users, or make their lives easier with a high-performance web platform.

Digital strategy

Digital strategy

Our commitment goes far beyond the development and deployment of digital solutions. We provide strategic support at every stage of the journey from in-depth understanding of our clients' needs to strategy planning and implementation.

UX/UI Design

UX/UI Design

Beyond visuals, we develop captivating, accessible, and contextually adapted user experiences.

Custom software

Custom software

We collaborate to develop custom software perfectly fitted to your business processes, unique challenges and specific objectives.

Beyond the code: Life at Thirdbridge

We love what we do and who we do it with! The cohesion and atmosphere within our team reflect on the quality of the products we develop. Our success is built on strong interpersonal relationships, both with our team and our clients, establishing lasting partnerships.

About Thirdbridge

About Thirdbridge

Thirdbridge specializes in the design and development of mobile applications and custom software, shaped by human expertise to meet human needs. Born from a college project in 2012, Thirdbridge quickly became a major player in the IT industry. Since then, Thirdbridge has been bridging the gap between the idea and the creation of digital experiences for its clients worldwide.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What types of solutions do you offer?

We offer a complete range of mobile and web application development solutions, including UX/UI design, front-end and back-end development, system integration, cloud migration, continuous monitoring, and regular updates to ensure your applications remain high-performing and secure. Our experienced team uses the latest technologies to create custom solutions that meet the specific needs of our clients.

How do you handle sensitive project data?

Thirdbridge considers security as an integral part of the software development cycle. Rather than being relegated to the end of the project, it is considered a priority throughout the lifecycle. From modelling risk vectors to the maintenance plan, we always make the necessary efforts to build a secure product!

What technologies do you use to design your applications?

Thirdbridge uses modern and popular technologies to ensure maximum longevity for its projects. For backend development, Express and Dotnet Core are primarily used. For web development, React is the predominant technology, but SvelteKit has just been added to our arsenal! For mobile applications, React Native is mainly used. Specialized teams in Kotlin and Swift are also available for native development if necessary.

How do you measure the success of various projects?

We use a combination of performance measures and key success indicators to assess the effectiveness of our projects. This may include metrics such as user engagement rates, application loading times, and return on investment for our clients.

What services do you offer for system maintenance?

We have a maintenance plan of different levels adapted to the complexity and scope of our clients' projects. In each established budget, we plan a semi-annual allocation of funds to ensure that the project remains up-to-date, even in the absence of active development. We have a support plan that allows us to offer 24-7 support for clients who need it.

Ready to launch your project? Contact our team!